Microsoft Surface Studio Hands On Review
I'm geeking out right now at Adobe Max, the greatest creative conference in the world, and there's a lot cool things here, including the Microsoft Surface Studio. This thing is amazing, this thing is baller. It's probably the greatest piece of creative tech that I've seen thus far. And so I wanna show you guys my first-hand experience with the Microsoft Surface Studio. And it really is an all-in-one studio, guys. You gotta check this out. So, let's go ahead and hop into it. (upbeat music) Hey everybody, it's Roberto. So, I've got the Microsoft Surface here. I'm gonna get hands on, I'm gonna just play with this. Steve showed me how it works. I'm gonna geek out with you guys over this and I'm just gonna play around. It's like, I don't really 110% know where I want to start. But this is just so cool to be using this.
I think I'll start simply with like the fact that it can tilt up like this. We've got the palm projection features, we've got everything. Let's go ahead and try to actually do something interesting here. So I'm gonna find myself a pencil. And I'm just gonna try to mess around with this a little bit you guys and just see what someone like me might do with this. It's not my traditional mode. I'm not a digital illustrator by trade, but I'm just gonna play around and we'll see what happens. So, just gonna put this space down, then I'll work on this, kind of like how I would if I were sketching something at home. I'm gonna do something I haven't done in a long time. I'm gonna actually sketch an original character of mine. We're zoomed in a lot here. We're zoomed to 1,800%, so let's go ahead and put the Microsoft Surface dial on here, let push in and let's go to the zoom. So we got the zoom selected. So I'll use this dial to zoom out. Alright, so I've got more of the canvas here, zoom out some more. (upbeat music) So guys, I don't know if you can see what's going on here but I'll show you guys with the zoom feature. So I zoom in a little bit. And so you can see I'm going back on line.
This is amazing and the Surface dial actually works even off screen. You can zoom in here. Again, this is like super super rough sketching. And pressure-sensored so you can put your pen in place I do like the Surface pen. In my mind, it's actually easier to control than the Apple pencil. So I'm really digging that. (upbeat music) Yeah, let's see if I can get one of these, guys. Microsoft's willing to give me one of these, even if it's a loan, that'd be amazing. But in the meantime, I'm getting hands on with it and I've gotta say, I really dig what it is. It is gonna get me into doing like sketchbook stuff in Photoshop, even beyond what a tablet at home lets me do because it's just so convenient to just have it. Just like this and just be able to work. And to work on it just like it's an easel, just like it's a real sketchbook. And that's what it feels like to me. It just feels like I'm working in my art pad. It feels like I'm working on an easel and that's just incredible. - [Man] So he'll be out in a little bit. - Okay, that's cool.
So I think if you are a traditional artist, I think if you're a comic book person, that this is game changing for you. I can see myself using it in that capacity. I can also see from a design standpoint using this a lot for digital painting, for doing a lot of photo retouching, photorealistic stuff. I think that would be fantastic. But using it completely from a drawing perspective, it's just been a lot of fun. I'm really enjoying that. And again, just messing with this, it made me revisit something that I haven't in a while. I mean, I grew up doing illustration and just messing around, and doing it myself for fun. And this is something that could make me do that. Would I wanna pay four, five grand just for a nice digital sketchbook? No. But I think in general, that this proves kinda the point that Microsoft Surface line in general, in terms of the Surface studio, the Surface Pro, and the Surface Book, I think that it just kinda proves that if can have a digital art studio with you at all times, how valuable that could be. From a design standpoint, this is amazing. Microsoft hit it out of the park. Everything as far as the guts of your machine is right down here. It's a fantastically intuitive device. I love using the Microsoft pen, it's intuitive. I love that it erases, unlike the Apple pencil, this actually functions like a pencil so you can use it in that capacity. So I really dig that. Pressure-sensitivity works fantastic. If I do this harder, I get a darker line. Thinner, I get a lighter line. It does everything that you would imagine.
It functions really intuitively and that's why I'm able to feel very comfortable sketching with it here, much the same way that I would on pencil and paper, so I'm really digging that. So guys, getting hands on with the Microsoft Surface Studio is fantastic. And I really dig what's going on with it. I love the job Microsoft did both from a design and functionality standpoint, I think that that's incredible. Just being able to get back into the idea of just doing art right here digitally, much in the same way that I would with a traditional pen and paper deal and being able to know that I can erase, I can do everything intuitively the way that God intended. So that's just amazing, and again, I don't sketch in Photoshop at all because I haven't had a tool like this. I haven't done digital illustration and Photoshop in the longest time, simply because I didn't have a tool like this. So is it worth it? Absolutely, in my opinion, if you're a traditional illustrator, if you're someone who does photo manipulation on an advanced level, if you are a studio or an agency, I think this is the go-to tool, I think this is an ultimate solution and I definitely recommend picking one up. I know they won't be out until 2017, but it's worth the wait, the best things are. So that's my hands-on first impressions of the Microsoft Surface studio. I've loved geeking out over it. I think it's incredible. I love the Surface dial and the pen is intuitive, it's fantastic. So this has been a lot of fun. (upbeat music) So there you have it. My own first-hand experience with the Microsoft Surface Pro Studio. I mean, the Surface Studio is amazing. It's an amazing piece of tech, it is an engineering marvel, it's designed beautifully.
Apple, you've lost, my friends. As far as cool stuff for creatives, Microsoft's crushing it right now. I don't know what Apple is doing as far as the hardware. I guess they're all in on the mobile devices. I still love my Apple mobile devices, you guys know I just caught the new Apple watch, so it's not like I'm an Apple hater. I just am a big fan of what Microsoft is doing with innovation because that's what creatives care about. We care about innovation, we care about great aesthetic and design, and we care about things that let us do our work easier. So I think this is great. I think that if you're someone who wants something less cumbersome than having your desktop and a Wacom Cintiq, then this is ideal and I loved it. So I definitely encourage you guys to check this out if it's in your budget, which it may not be, you should definitely get one. I'm going to find a few high-priced clients, charge them as much as possible, and I'm gonna get one of these in the new year. That's what I'm gonna do. So anyway, thanks you guys so much. Leave me your questions about the Surface Studio or any other of the Microsoft Surface products in the comments section. I definitely encourage you to check out the links in the description. Guys, this is just amazing and I love it, I'm in love with it. I wanna get one. Alright, so anyway, remember go out there, create something awesome today. I'm just gonna keep geeking out over this awesome gear. Take care, you guys.